
the soundtrack of Tromaggot

The current number of the Tromaggot songs is:

counter 000005

So the making of a Tromaggot-soundtrack-audio-CD is a little on the middle counter of the planning songs. - groovy

The first song is a pastiche of Trey Parker's "When I was on top of you" from the Tromafilm "Cannibal! The Musical"
The second song describes how the film was created. Kompiniert and sung by the young artists Sandynel. (it's in German)
sung by Dem Sandynel

The Song is in German!
You can't download a German song!
For this song, the 79ers won the support of Satan himself. He sings the second voice. He is a bit shy, but from what still is!
Title: "I am in Love with Tromaggot"
The one and only Fresh D created a HipHop-Gansta-Biatch-Rap-Song in german for Tromaggot
sung by Fresh D

download not availble yet
(mp3 - 1,6 MB)
Bengt Rockt made a crazy techno-song for "Attack Of The Tromaggot"

This is a techno remix music video about Attack Of The Tromaggot:

There is even a video for the first Song with a few sequences from AOTT:

I want for the AOTT Soundtrack

fat guy

If you are a musician and also had interest to create a song for Attack Of The Tromaggot - then let me know! the contacts

As a reward I make you a music video, like this artist -->
TrashpoptERROR is his name

Don't run away! Rather to make a song!
fat guy is running away

the picture gallery

take a look to some articles about Tromaggot